Monday, December 17, 2007

And So It Begins

In following the Dwarf Fortress thread on the Penny Arcade boards, I decided it would be the perfect way to procrastinate instead of looking for my next job or learning ACS scripting to make class based co-op DooM levels.

And so, I cast my destiny to the winds. I let the fractal world generator free to create a multitude of worlds. The game warned me it could take a long time as the random process could generate a plethora of rejects. Only six rejects were generated, meaning I would be playing on the seventh world, a good omen, and while I may not be superstitious, I know dwarves certainly can be. From what I'd read on the thread, dwarves are drunken cowards with a great appreciation for craftsmanship. They could also be quite mad, a fact not unrelated to their penchant for creating. Apparently, sometimes a dwarf may be inspired, the idea for a fantastic work of art suddenly overtaking their entire being. If the materials for said work cannot be secured fast enough, they go mad. And of course there are the standard monsters, cave ins, and accidental tapping of magma veins to contend with. But no matter. I am fortune's to guide. I let the game automatically generate my party of dwarves and pick my starting location. Here's what it looked like.

I'm a bit concerned about those purple bits. I think bad things may live in them. I'll try to make fortifying an early priority, but the first priority must be to survive, and I'll need to do a lot of work to secure food and shelter to survive the winter.

Oh, and my new settlement is called Windape. Considering my love for all things simian, another good omen.

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